Shiftal Coin Private Sale Phase 1 is live now.
Shiftal coin has been launched at and is now being sold through the private sale phase 1 round. If you are planning to buy the Shiftal coin, this is the best time. Go to the website and participate in Shiftal Coin IEO now.
Why should you buy Shiftal Coin?
Be part of the community
Be part of the innovative and growing community of Shiftal users & traders and learn crypto trading from pros. Trade seamlessly with other users on Shiftal and buy Bitcoin and ETH at fair prices with complete transparency.
Buy Shiftal coin at a really low price
During the private IEO sale, Shiftal Coin is being offered at the introductory price of Rs. 6 per coin. This is the lowest price to buy Shiftal Coin, as the coin price will at least double once it is launched in the market. Buy now to get the price advantage.
First mover advantage
The Shiftal project is still in the early stage and constantly evolving with new features being introduced regularly. If you join now, you stand to get the first-mover advantage.
A Powerful Utility Coin backed by and used on Shiftal
Shiftal coin is created to act as the native coin of the Shiftal exchange platform. Besides providing access to all current and future services of Shiftal exchange, the coin would be used for paying trading and transaction fees on the platform.
The Private sale phase 1 of Shiftal coin will end on 15th September. So, hurry now before the exclusive price offer ends.
How to buy Shiftal Coin
Buy Shiftal Coin on or before 15 September to get the first mover advantage and buy the coin at the lowest price.
Follow these steps to buy the Shiftal Coin in the private sale: Step 1: Visit and Register.
Visit the IEO website of Shiftalcoin and click on the Register button to create an account for you.
Step 2: Verify Email and Log in
After successful registration, verify your email address before you can log in to your Shiftal account.
Use your username and password to log in to your Shiftal dashboard.
Step 3: Buy Coin
On your Shiftal account dashboard, click on the Buy Coin option in the left sidebar.
Now, you can see the purchase form on the main page. To make payment, you can select from BTC, ETH, USDT/TRC, And USDT/ERC options.
Once you select the currency, enter the number of Shiftal (SFL) coins you wish to purchase. The next field reflects the amount you need to pay. Send your payment to the address mentioned on the page.
Enter sender’s wallet address, reference/transaction id and payment screenshot in respective fields.
Once you submit, the Shiftal team will verify your payment based on the information provided. Once your payment is confirmed, you’ll receive coins in your Shiftal Wallet. From here, you can transfer Shiftal coins to any supported wallet of your choice.
Congratulations! You’re now the proud owner of Shiftal Coin. Be ready to make profits once the coin is listed on the exchange.
Originally published at on August 24, 2021.